Function returns average of numeric array given as input
array of numbers
average of all numbers in array
Combine 2 array each other
Method returns last element from array or null if array is empty. If argument is not array, method returns argument
not empty array
last value from array
Method returns random element from array
not empty array
random value from array
Function join array by delimiter and append prefix and postfix
not empty array
character used for join elements in array
string append at the beginning of final string
string append at the end of final string
final string
Method return copy of array with only distinct elements
array with duplicate elements
unique array
Function return maximal value from numeric array
array of numbers
maximal number from array
Function return minimal value from numeric array
array of numbers
minimal number from array
Return sub array from array
input array
start index
end index
final array
Function return total value of all elements in numeric array
array of numbers
summary of all numbers in array
Generated using TypeDoc
analyzeArrayChanges(["a", "b", "c"], ["a", "b", "c"]) ==> {toAdd: [], toRemove: []} analyzeArrayChanges(["a", "b", "c"], ["b", "c", "d"]) ==> {toAdd: ["d"], toRemove: ["a"]}