input element
class name or data-structures of class names
flag if class should be toggled false
boolean if function is used to check class presence otherwise element given as input
Function crete new element
ElementManager.createElement("div") =>
; ElementManager.createElement("div", {id: "ide"}) => ; ElementManager.createElement("div", {}, "text") =>ElementManager.createElement({name: "div"}) =>
; ElementManager.createElement({name: "div"}) => ; ElementManager.createElement({name: "div", attr: {id: "ide"}}) => ;name of element or object contains all configuration
map of all element attributes
element content. Can be string, element or array of elements
styles that will be applied to the element
created element
Function returns height of window
window height in pixels
Function returns width of window
window width in pixels
Function set, append or returns html content of element
input element
html to put in element
flag if html should be append or replace previous content
element given as input
Function returns order of element between siblings
input element
index of number
Function returns object with element position
input element
position of element
Function remove element
input element
removed element
Function returns object with element size
input element
size of element
Function set, append or returns text of element
input element
text to put in element
flag if text should be append or replace previous text
element given as input
Generated using TypeDoc
Function returns, add, remove or toggle elements classes